Monday, October 29, 2018

Q and A on Velocity, Part VI

In Part V, we examined the relationship between working harder and going faster. I hope that the message you came away with was that we want people to work less hard and long so that they can deliver more, though there are conditions that have to be right if we want work to be more productive for the time invested.

Let's pick up there:

A: So how can we actually deliver functionality faster?
B: Ah, now that is a quality question. How long does it take to deliver a feature now?
A: Too long. We need developers to speed up.
B: What % of lead time is represented by developers' cycle time?
A: Why are you asking about lead time? I'm talking about development.
B: Lead time is a measurement of delivery. Development cycle time is only one element of lead time.
This part of the conversation illustrates a lack of curiosity about processes. Person A has clearly decided that development is the bottleneck, and isn't really interested in knowing how the rest of the process may be restricting or preventing delivery.

This is not uncommon.

Quite often the problem of long lead times will be attributed to development, or where post-development testing is practiced, to QA.

A friend of mine was involved in a large time-critical development project as a testing professional. He was called up in front of the directors of the company for "delaying the release."  The director of software development (separate from QA) argued that the QA department was not "passing the tests fast enough."

It was said un-ironically. The situation was that the QA department was finding an exceptional number of defects (partly, perhaps, because the development director decreed no testing, no design, no refactoring, and no testing in development in order to "speed things up"). The QA department was returning the code for rework, which was slowing down new development.

The problem? Well, the queue and the inventory appears at QA, so the QA people must be at fault for not moving the inventory through more quickly, right? Certainly not the developers who had faithfully produced mounds of defective code as fast as possible for months.

In other organizations, we have found development blamed for features that are stockpiled by marketing, who are waiting to have enough work produced that it makes a great release party advertisement. While value could have been released to customers, the idea of "making a splash" was too much a part of the culture of the organization. Development took typically a few days per story -- quite quick, really. But those features sat in the queue for months. As a result, some people in the organization had decided that development was "taking months to write the code." In this case, an architect refused to hear the statistics and the numbers and measures. "I disagree," said the architect who was presented with the stats, "the developers have to go faster."

Why is this? Because development and QA are where the rubber meets the road. In part III we stated that how long it actually takes is real; estimates are made up. When perfectly good (seeming) plans aren't met by real work, most of us tend to meet the disappointment by placing blame. The people pinched between the real work and the intentions are the easiest to blame. 

Where we should see a curiosity space, we tend to see a "problem."

If we see the difference as a problem, rather than a curiosity space,  we tend to see the people who are at the bottleneck as being the bottleneck.  This is an error that should be obvious to people with a modicum of systems thinking, one would think, but most people under pressure are more prone to emotional reaction than careful systems thinking.

Let's not blame people for not seeing what we hope would be obvious. To Pillory people for their "ignorance" is seldom helpful. It's just returning blame for blame. How does that help?

Instead, if we still our impulses we can approach the problem with a heart that is at peace, and seeking solutions rather than confirming suspicion and blame. Curiosity (and our sense-making apparatus) might have a better result here. 

A: I don't want to deal with lead time. Can we just focus on developer cycle time?
B: Of course, but you may not be working at the bottleneck so it may be wasted.
A: I only want to talk about developers.
B: Okay. As long as you are aware it may be pointless.

And here is the deep truth of this installment, which echoes so much of the Theory Of Constraints:
If we are not working at the bottleneck,
our efforts to improve flow are pointless.

This means that we may have to move beyond our unchallenged assumptions. There are a series of statements like "it's the devs", "it's QA", "you all aren't working hard enough", "you aren't taking this seriously" -- all assuming that problems are motivational rather than technical.

If one is faced with such a stonewall, what does one do? Let's pick that up in part VII.

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