Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Safety Journey

I've gotten into the idea of tech safety when it comes to testing and coding.

I get it as a value for deployment, setting up work environments, or practicing.

When it comes to TDD-ing, a good editor and a repl and an autotester are like a warm peach cobbler with a dollop of ice cream -- nothing else is quite like it in comfort or enjoyment.

But now the game gets serious.

Tim starts taking safety seriously now.  I've been photographing and pricing ergo equipment for my home work space. And chairs. I need to be healthier in how I sit and how much I stand.

I'm getting some exercise.

I'm getting some 'safer' eating habits -- no less adventurous or spicy, but fixing my ratio of veg to starch to meat, which has been somewhat upside down for a while. I need a diet that keeps the brain working, and doesn't damage the body. A stroke would end my career more easily than missing a deadline.

I'm intending to monitor my hours of work v. family v. personal edification v. rest.  Edification includes reading, listening, watching brainy stuff. I love Ted, Kindle, Play books, Audible, and podcasts.

Rest for me often involves sleep, brain-dead old scifi/horror, and/or tower defense games.  Sometimes it's all-audio fluff (Box 13, Outer Limits, Boston Blackie).

In work, I am cutting back hours. It makes no sense for me to put in an 11 hour day and then come to the hotel and do three more hours. I'm not as good, as fresh, as quick as I need to be that way.

So, watch this space. Maybe by managing risks and cognitive state, I can really become sincerely more excellent in all my work and home life. Maybe not. But at least we'll have this one empirical study and it will be chronicled here on my personal blog.

Some of it might make its way to the industrial logic blog, too. Watch that space.

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