Monday, March 3, 2025

There is No Automatic Reset for Engineering

Do you remember all those rushed changes that your developers implemented three years ago, and how they complained about the design damage they caused to make that happen?
It's all still in the codebase. It never disappears.
You may have forgotten it, but they still live with it every day.

I'm not saying you were wrong to be in a hurry then; I'm only saying it's not over

It Does Not Heal Itself

In engineering, software or otherwise, whatever decision we make this month, we have to live with it from now on, or until someone invests additional time in reversing it.

That hack is as permanent a part of the product as any well-considered change. 

It doesn't refresh with the next month, quarter, or planning period. it doesn't fade away. It doesn't heal.

There is no end-of-period reset. 

Making new goals doesn't remove the baggage of prior goals.

Do the other people have to live with January 2013 for the rest of their lives? Or is it only engineering that has to deal with every dirty hack since the beginning of the organization?

I wonder if non-engineering parts of a company properly recognize this "code is forever" situation.

Hurrying Is Sometimes Wise

That doesn't mean we should never hurry or not be quick; we all want to produce a quick and meaningful effect, but if we get there by cutting corners and producing risky code, we need to productize it (to turn the working prototype into something that we expect people to trust in production).

It's good to borrow time from the future to capture a market opportunity, but we owe the future that time; we can't borrow freely forever as it costs us nothing.

I think incremental and iterative development is a good thing. I think it's reasonable that we adjust our product to keep up with changing market conditions if we can. 

The problem is rushing weak code out the door frequently and often.

A continuous stream of hacks-we-must-live-with-forever will destroy our ability to produce quickly and may impact our ability to build and operate the system in a cost-effective way.

It Can Be Fixed / Managed

Some ongoing "sustaining" and "accelerating" work is needed to drive down the cost and drag of past decisions that didn't work. The "accelerating" work also sets up the product to scale and manage runtime costs. 

You can have some success by intentionally working in a "portfolio" way - keeping all the important work going while shifting the onus to the more appropriate category and letting engineering work out the details.

Imagine you could set the percentages (with engineering) for this kind of portfolio:

  • Advancing: Adding new features and UX improvements - all customer-facing.
  • Sustaining: Solving defects, doing support work, automated testing, and refactoring. Without these, the product either cannot run (certificates renewals), won't run well (defects), can't be sure to work (testing), or may suffer past design damage indefinitely.
  • Accelerating: doing work to increase development and validation speed so you can do more of the other two kinds of work successfully and quickly.

Perhaps it's a good time to put 20% more effort into sustaining, to ensure that your existing customers will renew their subscriptions.

Maybe this is a good time to put 30% more effort into new features because a trade show or sales push is coming up.

The work is slowing down, and it is frustrating. Maybe we put 40% of our effort into accelerating for a few weeks, then bring it back down to 10% or 15% of the total workload.

Are we getting bad press from defects and lack of features? Maybe we can reduce the accelerating work to 10% and put 50% each into support and 40% into advancing features. 

This doesn't need a lot of close supervision from outside engineering, just a good sense of what the product needs to move forward. There are ways for engineering groups to regroup and self-organize to meet goals.

There are many ways to handle this kind of problem, and I'd love to hear how yours works and how you keep your balance as an engineering organization.

Ecocycle Planning (Liberating Structures)

At this point, I'm just relating what others have told me; I've not engaged in ecocycle planning yet, but it seems a brilliant idea. Since it is a part of Liberating Structures, I don't doubt that many other people have done so. 

Take a look at the EP process, as it provides additional business context to the planning of development work. 

There is also considerable work being done by Joshua Kerievsky on the business context of technical work. I hope to provide links to his articles in my blog as well as in social media as it becomes available for public consumption.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Pair Programming Listicle

There are many ways to collaborate, and pair programming is the first many people consider. 

It's a useful practice, though it can be emotionally intense compared to other ways of work like mob programming AKA teaming AKA ensemble, or swarming. It's easier for people like me to work with three partners than only one.

The fact that other ways exist in no way diminishes the value of pair programming, and if you aren't able or aren't allowed to go to a more inclusive collaborative technique, pair programming is a great way to work.

That is, if you're doing it correctly and don't fall into the key dysfunctions...

Here are the resources:





This is just a start. Sometimes we ship and then refactor.

Tool vendor Tuple also has a listicle on pair programming. You might find it useful.

Feel free to suggest other links that you have found helpful, funny, or illuminating.

Also, remember that we teach these skills at Industrial Logic  along with many other technical, management, and UX skills. We're here to help you be successful. Give us a call.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Irresponsibility: Estimates and NoEstimates

Sometimes the argument is made that not estimating is irresponsible.

I understand why people say it. I don't necessarily agree. It is arguable that relying on developer estimates is at least as irresponsible.

There are interesting counterarguments that I'll summarize here.

But First, This:

Many arguments lean on "managers need accurate and precise estimates" but if those don't exist, it seems irresponsible to depend on them. Would you build your entire company's operating system on Unicorn Poop? That companies are in business despite needing more accuracy and precision than they get suggests that maybe the pinpoint accuracy isn't as important as we let on.

"Before buying a thing, I need to know the cost!" say some. Software development isn't like "buying a thing." It is a collaborative development project. It can't be what it isn't. It needs ongoing management involvement.

I don't expect the above paragraphs to put those arguments to rest. They will be brought out because if estimates were reliable it would make management much easier, and nobody wants management to be incredibly hard. Sadly, it's only wishful thinking.

George Dinwiddie's book suggests that we be empathetic toward the managers' needs and ask what they need the estimates for, how they plan to use them, and how we can help them. I like his approach and recommend his book.

The Responsibility Argument

So, on to the point suggested in the title: is estimation the responsible choice, and looking for other ways an irresponsible choice?

Can we balance these and compare them like-for-like?

Let's try.

  1. Wasting project time estimating and re-estimating (including detailing and estimating work that will never be done) is irresponsible. We see teams wasting many person-weeks per year (often more than 3 person-months) trying to estimate more precisely and accurately, without positive effect. 
  2. The estimate is not the duration. Getting people to shorten the estimate doesn't shorten the duration. Misunderstanding this leads to "sprint packing," which is an open invitation to cascading schedule failure.
  3. Summing inaccurate guesses won't add up to an accurate number especially when there is pressure to guess low. Pretending it will average out (when it never has) is unrealistic and irresponsible.
  4. You can't make your estimates more precise and accurate than the natural variation in the work. Even setting story points to half-days won't help with this. See Why Is This So Hard?
  5. Estimating harder and more often doesn't eliminate randomness and variation in the system. Rather than estimating harder, work on becoming more predictable (even if it doesn't seem faster).
  6. Predictability isn't always what you most need from your teams. Does it make the outcomes better, or only make managing easier? What would you surrender (in time and money) to improve predictability? Would you be willing to allow teams to work differently (perhaps mob programming or TDD) to improve predictability, knowing that it will slow them down in the short term?
  7. Proponents of #NoEstimates never claimed you could eliminate every kind of sizing & estimation. It's just a hashtag. It's about reducing estimation waste, but the hashtag is the name that stuck. "AHA! You are choosing a day's worth of work! That's estimating!" never was the sockdolager one might expect. Proponents take that easily in stride. They recommend forecasting and slicing the work thin -- it doesn't upset them that those are forms of estimation.
  8. Managers must work with teams to manage risks. They can't delegate risk management to developers via estimation. They cannot "quiet quit" management by reducing it to mere scheduling.
  9. Managing, again: "How long will it take you to do this in 8 months?" isn't a question. If the date's a given, the more important questions are "What do we do first?" and "What can we de-scope to hit the deadline?"

All methods that help teams, managers, and clients work together efficiently to produce a positive outcome without all the irresponsible wastes of typical estimate-heavy systems are welcome under the #NoEstimates banner.

This blog post is unlikely to convince anyone who is of a solid opinion, but maybe it's helpful to people who want to look at it from multiple angles and who don't feel threatened by the fact that this hashtag and its concepts exist, nor by the idea that it's not universally accepted. Be kind to each other. Don't refuse to care or refuse to listen. If you exercise "curiosity over judgment", there is no telling how far you will go. Maybe this article is an exercise in seeing things from a different point of view?

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Basic Microphone Usage

How to use microphones (pay special attention to (3) and (12)!!!! :

  1. NEVER NEVER NEVER point your microphone at a speaker. Not even accidentally. Don't drop your hands so the mic points at the on-stage speakers. Don't walk in front of a loudspeaker while holding a mic. The feedback will be piercing and can damage the system (as well as the audience's hearing)!
  2. If you are afraid of feedback, hold the mic closer to your face. The further away you hold it, the more the sound person has to raise the sensitivity of the mic (making feedback more likely).
  3. Don't cup the head of the mic. Cupping causes feedback, for technical reasons -- just don't do it.
  4. It is okay to hear yourself; it means others can hear you. That's what the mic is for. Let the sound engineer make any necessary volume adjustments.
  5. Now that you are hearing yourself, you can adjust your pitch and pronunciation to sound better through the sound system.
  6. If you're singing, you will hear your own pitch better through the system than through the bones of your head. This will eliminate any delusions you have about your pitch, but it's a good thing. Imagine being off-pitch and NOT knowing it! Using the monitors is a skill you will pick up quickly.
  7. Point the mic at your tonsils. Hold the microphone like it's a glass of water and you are about to take a sip.
  8. For the sake of those who read lips, keep the mic just below your lower lip.
  9. If the mic is on a stand, try to follow the same advice. Either stand close to the mic or pull it closer to you, keep your mouth visible, listen, and adjust.
  10. Don't put your mouth on the mic, nor the mic in your mouth. Saliva on mics was always gross even before COVID.
  11. If you're going to shout, put a bit of distance between you and the mic. You want the system to have the same sound level. Shouting directly into the mic will cause a lot of distortion and noise, and nobody likes that. Don't worry, you'll sound like you're shouting even if it isn't actually louder.
  12. Don't blow into the mic (not with mouth or nose). Saliva can rust or damage the sensitive inner workings. It won't instantly fail the first time someone does it, but it will need replacement sooner if people blow in it.
  13. Don't tap the mic. The impact can damage the internal workings of the mic. It won't fail immediately, but it will eventually need replacement sooner.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Profitable Struggle and Unprofitable Struggle

Imagine I have to work in an unfamiliar and tough passage of code.

Unprofitable Code

I spend time and effort to puzzle it out, and all I get from it is that now I understand that tough passage.

If it was written in the most primitive way possible, using no interesting language or library features (which might have made it less puzzling) then it is unprofitable.  I have invested my time in "playing computer," simulating every line of code and tracking each value in my head, or perhaps I walked through every line and watched every variable in a debugger. 

I have expended this effort of will and focus but received little in return. I know what this bit of code is doing (for now) but I won't be any faster to write or read other code because of it.

That knowledge will be lost in months, possibly weeks or days.

The unprofitable code, left in its original form, will require as much effort next year as it did this time. It is a productivity speed bump.

Profitable Code

OTOH, if I dig into some unfamiliar and tough passage and learn some idioms, standard library functions, built-in syntax, or framework capabilities then I have been rewarded for my pains. 

This is profitable work; I know how to read and write similar code more fluently. It may save me minutes, hours, or even days of work. My investment will pay dividends for a long time.

People familiar with the idioms and method will move quickly through this code, and others will only have to suffer that initial shock of newness once. 

The Scouting Rule

I like the "leave it better than you found it" rule. 

I could rewrite the unprofitable code as profitable code if I have the time and there are enough tests to make refactoring or rewriting safe. 

Without the safety of tests, I wouldn't want to take the chance of breaking all the code that depends on this passage.

If I can't make it profitable, I can make the code less unprofitable.

  • I could add tests so that the next person to encounter this code has more safety than I had.
  • I could do safe refactorings (rename variables, extract expressions, extract methods) to make it less puzzling.
  • If all else fails, I can add some comments. 

Is This The Right Thing To Do?

That's all probably obvious and straightforward, but there is a more interesting question underlying all of this:

Does the team want to learn the language and libraries fluently, or are they striving to avoid learning how to use those?

Readability is present in the relationship between a code artifact and its audience; its ENTIRE audience.

I am an author or an editor, but that makes me a minority part of the audience of this source code. All my colleagues and future colleagues who share the codebase are also the audience.

If the last thing they want is to profit from this example then fluent use of the stack is a failing.

If becoming more competent is a goal, then avoiding fluent use is failing.

The important thing is not my writing, but their reading. 

And so.... what?

Since readability is a quality of a relationship between the artifact and its audience, I have some choices. 

We can change the artifact to meet the audience's requirements and make the code more readable without changing or improving the audience.

We can change the knowledge and comfort of the audience and thereby raise the readability of the code without changing the code in any way.

There is also a middle path: we can change the code and the audience's expectations. It does not have to be all one thing or all the other.

What is your strategy for code readability and developer competence?  

Tuesday, February 27, 2024


 I've done it. You've seen me.

You've done it. I watched you do it.

We've probably argued about it.

The Defining Dysfunctions

I published a blog post some time ago on the Industrial Logic website about programming together vs programming under surveillance. It's a relatively simple piece, and it identifies a problem we have in the world when it comes to just about any technique or discipline.

When I suggested that people mistake group programming for working under surveillance, an incredulous reader exclaimed “How could it possibly be anything else!?”

So here's the thing: a person had a bad experience where instead of actually researching what pair programming is and how it works, they just sat down at a keyboard with another person and tried "doing pair programming" without any pre-study or preparation. They ended with one person bored, watching the other program.  

This is a widely-known dysfunction or "failure pattern" known as "Worker/Watcher." It's not how pair programming is done. 

The two people who had this one unpleasant, uninformed, wasteful experience came into it with little more than a sound bite ("two people coding together"), guessed at how it was done ("one person types"), and had a poor experience. 

Since they didn't start with a good definition of pair programming, that experience became the definition of pair programming. 

They had a defining dysfunction. 

Unless something new happens, they will forever see pair programming as wasteful and pointless practice.

Is that the real definition of pair programming? 

Is that what it's about and how it's done? 

Not remotely. but it is the one touch-point they have -- the one experience that they have had of it, and "pair programming" is the name of that experience now.

Do they want to try it again? Clearly not. They know what it is, and it's nonsense. 

They will likely take to social media to decry the BS that is pair programming and save everyone else from this wasteful and unprofitable behavior.

You and I have likely done the same. 

Give those complainers some credit, because at least they tried it (or something that they imagined was it) first.

Some Examples Might Be Useful Here

I ranted against scrum™for years, because I let the dysfunctions I routinely see become the definition of the process for me. If anyone were to actually try doing scrum™it would be a pretty good way of working, but nobody does.

Sadly, a lot of people in that space have adopted the defining dysfunctions. As far as they are concerned the "right way" to do scrum™ is to have a titled person assign individual work tickets to developers, who strive to serve the maximum number of tickets per fortnight to raise the velocity of the team -- striving to do "twice the work in half the time" (a soundbite). This isn't remotely what the defining document of the scrum™ method describes but it is what is often taught as "doing scrum."

Are you an agile hater because it's all Jira tickets, meetings, estimation, and work crammed in to meet artificial deadlines? I'd hate that too. I do hate that. It's just not agile. it's not even scrum™.

Do you hate agile because agile is "no documentation," "no design," and "no estimates"?  Well, that's a worthy distaste. It's also a mischaracterization.

Do you hate TDD because you have to write all the tests first, and you don't even know what shape the answer is going to take, so it's impossible? Well, that's a bad process, and it's not TDD. It's not the definition of TDD, it's just a failure mode.

Why Bother Trying?

Sometimes people don't even have to have a bad experience to adopt a defining dysfunction. They hear a sound bite or title and imagine dysfunctions. They (efficiently) go straight to disdaining the practice based on their imagined defining dysfunctions.

Do you think that Psychological Safety means you can't ever say anything that might possibly upset someone? Does Radical Candor mean that you can say whatever you want without consequence? Wrong, and wrong. Those are defining guesses at dysfunction

If we only guess at a discipline or a philosophy or a behavior and don't actually bother to investigate what it's intended to be, what it really means, and how people actually perform it then we don't have the basis for an honest opinion. If we have only experienced it as a bad attempt at a good idea we haven't formed a valid opinion. 

We're Too Smart For That!

Have you jumped to conclusions based on naive attempts or imagination alone?

I'm betting we both have.  It's a human thing, and we're all human. It doesn't much matter how smart or experienced you are -- you've done this. I might just be projecting, but I've seen too many examples to believe it to be less than universal. Please prove me wrong!

I'm willing to bet that you've done so this week. Let's both look out for these mistakes, because I'm betting that we could be more successful at many things if we took the time to understand them.

Listicle on Flow and Teamwork

Some article links related to solo vs group, flow, productivity, and predictability.